

Category: Truffles, bonbons and candies
Preparation time: 2 h 20 min
Makes 30-36 truffles.


9 ounces white baking chocolate
Zest of 1 lemon
6 tbsp heavy cream
12 ounces DAGOBA Lemon Ginger chocolate bar

Chop the white chocolate and place it in a heat-safe bowl together with the lemon zest. Set aside.
In a saucepan, heat the heavy cream until it starts bubbling around the edges. Remove from heat and pour over the chopped chocolate and lemon zest. Let the mixture sit for 1-2 minutes.
Start whisking the mixture together, slowly at first, until the chocolate is smooth and fully melted.
Cover with a plastic wrap and place inside the refrigerator for 2-3 hours, or until the mixture is firm enough to hold shape.
Take a baking tray and line it with a silicone mat or wax paper. Set aside.
Remove the mixture from the refrigerator. Using a melon baller or measuring spoon, take full spoons of the mixture at a time and roll into balls measuring 1 cm in diameter. Place all rolled balls on the baking tray. Pop the baking tray in the freezer for around 15-30 minutes.
Chop the lemon ginger chocolate bar into small pieces and melt it using a double boiler. Heat slowly, stirring continuously, until the chocolate is smooth and fully melted.
Remove the baking tray from the freezer. With a fork or toothpick, dip the balls one by one in melted chocolate, making sure to coat them thoroughly. Tap or shake the excess off before placing the coated truffle back on the baking tray.
Allow the coating to set for 15 minutes or so, then transfer the truffles to an airtight container.
Keep the container inside the refrigerator until you're ready to serve the truffles.
