Chocolate truffles balls are also known as cake balls. They are made from cake crumbs that are blended together with other ingredients such as cream cheese or frosting to make a moldable center.
They are then dipped in melted chocolate to form a hard outer shell.
The inside of a chocolate truffle ball is doughly in comparison to the creamy, smooth center of a traditional chocolate truffle.

TIPS for making chocolate truffle balls:
It's easy to prepare chocolate truffle balls from scratch, even when you have to bake the cake first, but when you keep these tips in mind you'll have even less trouble with the recipes that follow.
Remember to keep water away from the chocolate you're using to dip your cake balls. Even a single drop of water in melting chocolate can cause the chocolate to seize and make it difficult to dip or set up appropriately.
Use stainless steel or glass dishes when melting chocolate and when mixing any hot ingredients.
You don't always have to make a cake completely from scratch to make a great chocolate truffle ball. You can always substitute them for cakes made from boxes instead.
Never use a warm cake for mixing your chocolate truffle ball filing. The warmth from a freshly-baked cake will cause the mixture to blend incorrectly, and you won't be able to get the consistency you need for your recipe.
